Music Publishing  

Scores/Sheet Music
by Broadcast TV and Film Music Composer: Joe Wiedemann (ASCAP, NATAS)
 For ordering information,
Wiedemann Music Publishing


Compositions are scored mainly for professional, community and university level ensembles. Fostering a modern educational experience for both musicians and patrons, this music captures time honored traditions, while sometimes adding new styles and instruments to historic, and established ensembles.

Full .pdf or .sib scores and parts for some works are available from Wiedemann Music Publishing, under a special introductory offer for educational, community, and professional ensembles.



Making Some Progress
Score Exchange

Add a versatile synthesizer to your orchestra for creativity and a modern touch. Score includes one synth part playing three different non-simultaneous patches (sounds of user's choice) with optional pitch bend wheel. Rather than being a soloist, the synth blends in like a film score. Available at Score Exchange and Wiedemann Music Publishing.


Rain - View Full Score    Buy from Sheet Music Plus

Rain - The Story of a Raindrop
 follows the full natural cycle from ocean evaporation, to clouds, lightning & thunder, droplets, waterfalls , streams and delta flows. Water is a chameleon that takes on many shapes and forms. This music chronicles the amazing transformations and drama. The Story Behind "Rain"
A free full score set with individual parts may be provided to a qualified orchestra that premiers Rain.

Rain is scored for:
Piccolo, Flutes I,II Oboes I,II Clarinets I,II Bassoons I,II Horns in F I,II, Trumpets I,II Trombone, Bass Trombone, Synthesizer, Violins I,II Viola, Double Bass
Duration:  6:59


Full orchestral scores and Parts are available for these new, original, exciting show-starters: 


The sleepy intro droops into a slightly dissonant chord, which signals the beginning of the dreams. If you've ever noticed someone twitching as they sleep, you'll understand what comes next. Just as sleep has its cycles, dreams stretch and compress, morph and change.  A synthesizer adds a touch of surrealism that reminds us "it's only a dream."  As an integrated player in the orchestra, the synth adds color and timbre, shining through on its own only occasionally. Various scenarios play out, until the cycle ends with that familiar dry-sounding mechanical alarm clock.
Duration 7:55

Scored for: Synthesizer (with one-button patch/program change), Flutes, Oboes, English Horn, Clarinets, Bassoons, Horns in F I-II, Trumpets I-II, Trombones I-II, Tuba, Timpani, Glockenspiel, Violins I-II, Violas, Cellos, Double Bass.

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Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)


 Some things just rattle the nerves. Whether it's an individual who just likes to stir things up, or a feeling that something's not right, everyone at one time has felt agitated. Each instrument section here has a chance to stir the pot. This moody piece offers challenging parts for experienced orchestras. Lively tremelos and staccatos generate agitation, contrasted by slow and sometimes ominous, foreboding melodies. Agitate is an all acoustic work for full orchestra, looking for it's world live premier.
Duration 8:20


Scored for: Piccolo, Flutes I-II, Oboes I-II, Clarinets I-II alt. Bass Cl., Bassoons, Horns in F I-II, Trumpets I-II, Trombones I-II, Tuba, Snare Drum, Cymbals, 3 Timpani, Violins I-II, Violas, Cellos, Contrabass

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Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)

Element of Risk

   It  begins and ends in "comfort zones," but the activity in-between can be exciting, unsettling and exhilarating. Virtually everything we do contains an Element of Risk. From the moment we groggily step out of bed, we confront uncertainties in our physical environment, from the weather we encounter, people on different emotional channels, traffic, employment challenges, physical dangers, and any number of unexpected occurrences. You don't have to be a thrill-seeker to be threatened by life-altering choices. Everyone loves their comfort zone. But, even after settling in at home, it’s usually necessary to leave again for parts unknown. It can be challenging, frightening, unsettling and confusing. But, returning safely is always the end game.
Duration 5:53

Scored for: Flutes I-II, Oboes I-II, Clarinets I-II, Bassoons I-II, Horns in F I-II-III, Trumpets I-II, Trombones I-II, Tuba, Timpani, Violins I-II, Violas, Cellos, Contrabass

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Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)


Incompatibility Issues

As many of our daily activities are taken over by the computer, a host of issues arise, and inevitably lead to trouble.  Everything starts off hunky-dory.  Then, in an abruptly new key, things take a turn for the worse.  A series of error messages add stress and confusion, making progress difficult.  Constantly hitting brick walls, frustration builds.  Just as suddenly, and without explanation, things seem to right themselves with a tidy 3-part fugue, as if all components are working together again in harmony.  This builds to a reprise of the "all-is-well" theme, until a brief reminder of trouble ends this episode. 
Duration 5:24

Scored for: Piccolo, Flutes I-II, Oboes I-II, Clarinets I-II, Bassoons I-II, Horns in F I-II, Trumpets I-II, Trombones I-II, Tuba, Cymbal, Bass Drum, Violins I-II, Violas, Cellos, Double Bass

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 Kiev Philharmonic plays Incompatibility IssuesKyiv Philharmonic Orchestra

Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)


Duet for Any Two Keyboards

This duet is scored for either one player with two keyboards (likely stacked atop one another), or two players, with different instruments.  All that's needed, are two hands.  The version heard here is for piano and synthesizer, but any two  keyboards will do.   Experimentation is encouraged, especially if electronic sounds are used.  The piece makes for a challenging educational exercise for a talented student or aspiring pop keyboardist, in playing stacked instruments. 
Duration 4:40

Scored for any two keyboards.  The recording here uses a Korg Z-1.

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Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)

Four at a Time, Please!

Four-part harmony is the basis for much ensemble music.  This piece has four lively parts and can be scored for just about any four instruments you like.  It would make a great educational tool in applied music settings.  Currently, scores are available for string quartet, saxes, brass, and basic S.A.T.B. which can be used as a template for orchestration classes.  The full orchestral score alternates instrumentation throughout, so that only four parts are playing at a time, until the very end, when everyone chimes in. 
Duration 4:57

  Sheet Music Excerpt: Four... (Orchestral)  
Sheet Music Excerpt: Four... (Saxes)   
Sheet Music Excerpt: Four... (Brass)   
Sheet Music Excerpt:
Four at a Time, Please! (SATB)

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Orchestral Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)
Sectional Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)

Public Transit

A ride on any public transit (train, bus or trolley) can be entertaining and interesting.  While most people sit in their own private worlds, alot of body language can be read.  The driving pace (sorry about the pun) is steady, while the semi-ethnic moods and melodies change.  It's a fairly quick ride, in a vehicle that waits for no one. 
Duration 4:50

Scored for: Two Synthesizers, Flutes, Oboes, Clarinets, Alto Sax I-II, Bassoons, Horns in F I-II, Trumpets I-II, Trombones I-II, Cymbal, Bass Drum, Violins I-II, Violas, Cellos, Double Bass

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Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)


Watching the Clock

If you're familiar with the phrase "hurry up and wait," you'll understand the many moods of Watching the Clock. Though time remains constant, our perceptions of it change in speed.  A brief and calming intro is quickly contrasted by a hurried, relentlessly "ticking" rhythm, and a slowly moving theme superimposed over it.  Interrupted by brief moments of building frustration, as if the hands of the clock are moving too slowly, the paced rhythms continue.  A slow interlude could be a sign of surrender to nature's time superiority, or it could simply be the lunch break in a busy work day when "it's okay" if time seems to pass more slowly.  The relentless pace resumes and builds, until a final ritardando ends this busy day. 
Duration 8:03

Scored for: Synthesizer (with one-button patch/program change), Flutes I-II, Oboes I-II, Clarinets I-II, Bass Clarinet, Bassoons I-II, Horns in F I-II, Trumpets I-II, Trombones I-II, Tuba, Timpani, Violins I-II, Violas, Cellos, Double Bass

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Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)             

Full orchestral scores and parts are available for these new, original, long-form compositions:

Synth Concerto #2, 3 Movements

The 2nd Concerto re-establishes the synth's parity with the orchestra, by adding new sounds at every turn. As a versatile chameleon soloist, the synthesizer re-invents itself continuously. This Concerto is a spirited showcase of a synth's best talents: quick, sharp, sometimes quirky sounds, and often repeated notes and patterns. With many rubato, slowing and accelerating tempo changes, and full dynamic range, the synth is given a wide open opportunity to shed it's reputation of being mechanical and unfeeling. The piece is perfect for a university or community orchestra, with a talented young keyboardist, and an eye to the future. 

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Duration: 7:13

Sheet Music Excerpt: Synth Concerto #2, 2nd Mov't
Duration: 7:30

Sheet Music Excerpt: Synth Concerto #2, 3rd Mov't
Duration: 7:55

Entire Concerto Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)
Individual Movements Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)



"Electronic" Symphony #1 in D-minor, 4 Movements

The "Electronic Symphony" is scored for electronic instruments, preferably synthesizers.  Movements I-IV contain 13 individual parts.  The symphony can be performed in a number of ways:  a live performance with all musicians playing separate keyboards, or as few as one synthesist recording each part individually with a sequencer.   In the latter, playback can be either recorded audio, or MIDI messages sent to the instruments for a virtual live performance.  To perform with fewer musicians, parts that do not overlap may be combined.  Since the number of parts does not exceed the basic set of 16 MIDI channels that newer multi-timbral instruments are designed for (such as the Waldorf Blofeld), the whole symphony could conceivably be performed by one person on one synthesizer.   On the Orchestronics cd Electronic Orchestra, the Symphony is recorded this way. 

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 Sheet Music Excerpt: "Electronic" Symphony #1 in D-Minor, 1st Mov't
Duration: 7:13
 Sheet Music Excerpt: "Electronic" Symphony #1 in D-Minor, 2nd Mov't
Duration: 7:52

Sheet Music Excerpt: "Electronic" Symphony #1 in D-Minor, 3rd Mov't
Duration: 5:48

Sheet Music Excerpt: "Electronic" Symphony #1 in D-minor, 4th Mov't
Duration: 6:01

Entire Symphony Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)
Individual Movements Score and Parts (PDF or SIB)

Original works have been premiered by the Kiev Philharmonic, Colorado Youth Symphony Orchestra, and Cal Poly MIDI Ensemble.

 Incompatibility Issues    Kiev Philharmonic plays Incompatibility IssuesKiev Philharmonic Orchestra
We offer full scores and individual parts, as a package, in either .PDF (Adobe) or .SIB (Sibelius) formats.

Evolve -  Sheet Music Excerpt    Buy from Sheet Music Plus

Lots of things Evolve: history, landscapes, relationships, your entire life! Even the size, shape and character of the the universe is constantly changing. It's all a work in progress, with Mother Nature leaving nothing stationary. The music itself Evolves from chaos to beauty. More.

Special Program Notes for Conductors (click here)
Use of one synthesizer is incidental to add surrealism and new sounds. Choice of "patches" can provide great flexibility and artistic license.

Evolve is scored for:
Flutes I,II Oboes I,II Clarinets I,II Bassoons I,II Horns in F I-IV Trumpets I,II Trombones I,II Bass Trombone Tuba Synthsizer Violins I,II Viola Contrabass
Duration:  9:23


Adagio Rubato
For chamber orchestra PLUS string quartet. (You can also just breakout 1st chair players.) Designed to maximize the acoustic stereo effects of any venue by separating the quartet and other players from the larger ensemble, to highlight the call-and-answer passages. A simple and enchanting melody, Adagio Rubato also offers a modern sound with a synthesizer part that brings the room alive with higher highs, and lower lows.

View Sample Score

Adagio Rubato is scored for:
String Quartet, Flute, English Hn/Oboe, Horn in F, Synthesizer, Violins I,II Viola, String Bass
Duration:  7:59

Sheet Music for Adagio Rubato
Adagio Rubato is scored for:
String Quartet, Flute, English Horn/Oboe, Horn in F, Full Strings and Synthesizer
Duration 7:59



Slightly Distracted
 A solo piano piece, for multi-tasking millennials with relatively short attention spans. Nothing boring here. After an initial search for direction, and a few tangent paths, focus returns to the task at hand, and much has been accomplished in a short time.
Duration 3:28

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Focus on the Goal
From the album Aesthetic Piano by Orchestronics. This soft piano work has hints of Bach without complexities, and is a great instructional piece for beginners.

Focus on the Goal
Sheet Music Plus   Sheet Music



Keyboard Orchestra

From the newest album of the same name, this is almost a tutorial on how to orchestrate a full ensemble from one keyboard.
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Keyboard Orchestra
Colors of Orchestronics
Aesthetic Piano
My Chill Space
Painted Variations
Element of Risk

Electro-Acoustic Orchestra
Bulls & Bears
Electronic Orchestra


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Need Music for a Video Project:

Joe Wiedemann on ScoreExchange.com

Independent Classical Music Publishers

Orchestronics (R) compositions are scored mainly for professional, community and university level ensembles.
Fostering a modern educational experience for both musicians and patrons, this music captures time honored traditions, while adding new instruments to historic, and established ensembles.
Finding affordable sheet music for Electronic Music Classes can be challenging. Electronic instruments are often overlooked by music publishers Wiedemann Music Publishing is committed to providing new and standardized publications for public and private performance, by many types of ensembles and musical instruments, acoustic and electronic.

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Copyright 2024, Orchestronics

Orchestronics Music Publishing