p r e s e n
t s Electro-Acoustic
Orchestra Independent Review: "The poignant...melody
communicates longing with subtle portamento and tasteful vibrato, and a pastoral feeling
dominates the composition. (Composer) Wiedemann keeps the harmony relatively simple, to wonderful
Keyboard Magazine says of Synth Concerto #1; 2nd Mov't. Independent Artist of the Month -September 2003
Music on this album/cd is meant to be
performed live by real orchestras and electronics. Sheet
music is available fromWiedemann Music Publishing
The Tracks:
"An American Day" The day begins quietly with grandeur and
grace. The work hours explode with ambition and drive. Though most of the day
is filled with activity, the quiet returns.
2. "Public Transit"
The ride home from work may not be smooth, but it's always entertaining.
3. "Distant Melody"A distant love is only half of a harmony. This romantic, yet lonely
theme (from the 2nd mov't of the upcoming Synth Concerto #1) tries to
bridge the gaps.
"Crunch the Numbers"
Trying to make all the numbers do what you want them to
can be a real struggle, with a wide range of emotions. It's always better to add,
than to subtract.
5."Bruschetta" Another electro-acoustic musical experiment in which the conventional
orchestra ventures into modern dance music.
Whether you're falling to the floor, or falling in love, there's always an
extreme sense of uncertainty.
7. "Repeat After Me" A musical experiment: take a theme, play it first on a
piano, then share it with different electronic instruments, one by one.
8. "Send Me To London" Instrumental version of a song about two people, very much
in love, who just need some time and distance to realize how much they care for each
9."1st Movement"
In classical style, the orchestra has the first word, setting
the stage for this unconventional soloist. The synthesizer is a chameleon of sounds,
eventually winning the respect of the stodgy ol' ensemble, through variety and
Movement" The
challenge to be expressive and emotional is not usually what one expects from a
synthesizer, but this love theme is the proving ground.
"3rd Movement"Here, the synth has the first word, challenging the orchestra to play on unfamiliar
turf. They all collaborate for a big classic finish!